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Brenda Klein


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Mijn naam is Brenda Klein. Welkom op mijn persoonlijke pagina welke is ontworpen om u te laten zien waar mijn kwaliteiten en expertises liggen. Onderaan de pagina vindt u een contact button waarmee u GRATIS en vrijblijvend een kennismakingsgesprek met mij kunt plannen. Ik sta te popelen om u te helpen met de weg naar geluk. Ik kan niet wachten om u te laten zien dat het wel dergelijk mogelijk is om de beste versie van uzelf te zijn.  Wacht niet langer en zet de eerste stap naar Happyness.

Eerst wat informatie over mijzelf..

I’m a UI Designer with over 10 years experience in web design and content marketing. I’m very fortunate to be given the opportunity to work for amazing companies that allowed me to grow with my skills as a UI designer. Aside from that experience, I’ve also been a very passionate tech writer. Blogging content that focuses on increasing a site SEO.


Below is a breakdown of my skills in both design and programming. I’ve created an animated bar graph that showcases the level of expertise I have for each of them. 

**Purchase the Progress Bar Addon to get the same looking progress bar to show off your skills**






4 Jaar Ervaring

65 Afgeronde Projecten

89 Gelukkige Cliënten

Mijn Werkervaring

**Purchase the Timeline Addon to recreate this beautiful timeline resume layout**

  • 2011 - Present

    Lead Designer

    Amazing Designs

    Responsible for conceptualization and implementation of design of solutions that meet marketing strategies from concept to completion. Senior graphic designers often have the designation of “senior” because of their authority in decision-making. Or, they will play the lead role on projects and supervise intermediate and junior designer(s) in creating concepts, comps, layouts and final art.

  • 2007 - 2011

    Creative Director

    Ocean’s Media

    Charged with determining the best ways for us to visually represent our company’s identity online. It’s very much a people-oriented job, involving development of high-level concepts for design projects. It also involves working with internal and external clients, pitching designs, and understanding client needs. At times, we require you to develop visual designs, and at other times, the Creative Director will be responsible for recruiting and managing third party design firms as well as internal design resources.

  • 2002 - 2007

    Frontend Designer


    Duties and Expectations

    A front-end web developer is generally expected to:

    • Develop functional and appealing web applications based on usability
    • Provide website maintenance and enhancements
    • Use a combination of markup languages to write web pages
    • Write functional requirement documents and specifications
    • Create quality mock-ups and prototypes on tight timelines


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